Monday, October 7, 2013


Seberkas sinar mengintip dari retak kecil pada dinding gua yang dingin
hangatnya menyapa namun hanya untuk seketika
sebab matahari akan tenggelam lagi
dan malam pun akan berkuasa lagi entah untuk berapa lama

Saturday, July 27, 2013

"Kamu akan mati," katanya

Duka menggenang pada matanya
Tetapi tidak pada mataku

Sebab aku sudah firasat
Sebab aku memang sudah mati

Sunday, July 7, 2013


There are some people in this world
Who are not born to be happy
No matter how hard they try

They may have all that glitters in this world
But never will they feel the warmth of love ever

Because the world needs a balance
And only some people are more deserving to be in paradise

So therefore, my dear
This smile is only for you to see but not to have
Because if you take just a little step closer
Or if I ever dare to cross my line and reach out to you
This mask of glass will crack and break apart
And all you will see is despair
And I will have to put the pieces back together all by myself again
My fingers will bleed again
And my tears will flow again

So please forgive me, love
If I keep my distance
For I am just a mortal
That was not born to cherish happiness

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Untuk parasit

Kembalikan setahun nafasku yang kau buang percuma
Kembalikan peluhku yang kau curi dan perbudak
Kembalikan asaku
Kembalikan imanku

Sebab sudah kau torehkan cacat pada hatiku
Sebab sudah kau racuni raga ini
Sebab sudah kau temukan aku pada kematian
Sebab sudah kau pisahkan aku dari kebahagiaan

Terkutuklah waktu karena ia tak bisa berpaling ke belakang
Sebab ingin kuhapus senyummu yang menyesatkan
Sebab pengetahuanmu membodohkan
Sebab keberadaanmu tak ada gunanya bagiku

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

But not now, not now

I want to see the pink forest
and inhale the beauty of its spring
I can't close my eyes now
Not now, not now

I want to feel the snow on my palms
and freeze into its pure whiteness
I can't let go now
Not now, not now

I want to step on the world's greatest wall
and walk through its thousands of years
I can't stop now
Not now, not now

I can't give in now
Until I have you under the moon, love
and kiss you when the morning comes
Then I shall leave in peace

But not now
Not now

Monday, March 11, 2013

Betapa buta aku

Mengira hidup begitu murah
dan waktu begitu panjang

Kukira tidurku dibuai
dan mimpiku didengar

Kini cakrawala begitu dekat
namun bintang semakin jauh

Udara semakin pekat
dan gelap perlahan mewujud

Raga ini lebur
dan jiwa ini kehilangan asa

Cinta telah menguap
dan aku tinggal menghitung hari